160th Aviation Group
Attached to the 101st Division to make it Airmobile
101st Assault Helicopter Battalion
Bn HQ 6 x UH-1D
CoHQ 1 x UH-1D
1st Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2nd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
3rd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
4th Plt 4 x UH-1B/C Gunships
2 Sections of 2 x OH-^ Cayuse
B Company - KINGSMEN
CoHQ 1 x UH-1D
1st Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2nd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
3rd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
4th Plt 4 x UH-1B/C Gunships
2 Sections of 2 x OH-6 Cayuse
CoHQ 1 x UH-1D
1st Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2nd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
3rd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
4th Plt 4 x UH-1B/C Gunships
2 Sections of 2 x OH-6 Cayuse
158th Assault Helicopter Bn
A Company (Assault) - GHOST RIDERS
Co HQ 1 x UH-1D
1st Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2nd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
3rd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2 Sections of 2 x OH-6 Cayuse

Co HQ 1 x UH-1D
1st Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2nd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
3rd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2 Sections of 2 x OH-6 Cayuse
C Company (Assault) - PHEONIX
Co HQ 1 x UH-1D
1st Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2nd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
3rd Plt 6 x UH-1D Transports
2 Sections of 2 x OH-6 Cayuse
D Company (Attack) - REDSKINS
Co HQ 1 x UH-1D
1st Plt 4 x UH-1B/C Gunships or AH-1G (Cobra)
2nd Plt 4 x UH-1B/C Gunships or AH-1G (Cobra)
3rd Plt 4 x UH-1B/C Gunships or AH-1G (Cobra)
2 Sections of 2 x OH-6 Cayuse
159th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion Liftmaster
A Company - Pachyderms
1st Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
2nd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
3rd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
4th Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
1st Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
2nd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
3rd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
4th Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
B Company - VArsity
1st Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
2nd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
3rd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
4th Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
2nd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
3rd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
4th Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
C Company - Playtex
1st Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
2nd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
3rd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
4th Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
1st Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
2nd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
3rd Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
4th Plt 4 x CH-47A Chinook
478th Heavy Helicopter Company - Hurricanes
4 x CH-54A Flying Crane
4th Bn. 77th Aerial Artillery

A Battery - Dragons
8 x UH-1C Gunships or AH-1G (Cobra)
B Battery - Toros
8 x UH-1C Gunships or AH-1G (Cobra)
C Battery - Griffens
8 x UH-1C Gunships or AH-1G (Cobra)
There 8 aircraft supporting fire missions and
they were ready to go at any one time. We usually launched a pair of cobras on a fire mission. They were called flight lead and wingman. Tactically they could do the mission and cover each other better than a
single ship. There were four fire mission response times we adhered to.
· 2 Minute Response: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled, armed, and ready to takeoff in 2 minutes. Crews lived and slept in a tent located just off the flight line (Hot Section Tent). When the bell went off the crew would run to the aircraft and takeoff. Information regarding the mission was relayed to the crew when they were airborne. The 2 minute response aircraft were used for support that was needed immediately. This usually meant that troops were in contact with the enemy, an aircraft was shot down, or troops needed to be withdrawn immediately. This is the 2 minute hot section tent next to the flight line
· 5 Minute Response: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled, armed, and ready to takeoff in 5 minutes. Crews had to stay and eat in their hootch so they could be at the aircraft within 5 minutes. If the 2 minute section launched the 5 min section would then be the new 2 min section.
· 15 Minute Response: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled, but rockets were not loaded. Depending on the type mission requested they would be loaded with the appropriate type rockets for the mission. Crews just needed to be in the area so they could be at the aircraft within 15 minutes.
· Standby: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled and armed and were used as replacement aircraft in case something happened to the 2, 5, or 15 minute section aircraft.
· 2 Minute Response: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled, armed, and ready to takeoff in 2 minutes. Crews lived and slept in a tent located just off the flight line (Hot Section Tent). When the bell went off the crew would run to the aircraft and takeoff. Information regarding the mission was relayed to the crew when they were airborne. The 2 minute response aircraft were used for support that was needed immediately. This usually meant that troops were in contact with the enemy, an aircraft was shot down, or troops needed to be withdrawn immediately. This is the 2 minute hot section tent next to the flight line
· 5 Minute Response: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled, armed, and ready to takeoff in 5 minutes. Crews had to stay and eat in their hootch so they could be at the aircraft within 5 minutes. If the 2 minute section launched the 5 min section would then be the new 2 min section.
· 15 Minute Response: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled, but rockets were not loaded. Depending on the type mission requested they would be loaded with the appropriate type rockets for the mission. Crews just needed to be in the area so they could be at the aircraft within 15 minutes.
· Standby: These 2 aircraft were kept fueled and armed and were used as replacement aircraft in case something happened to the 2, 5, or 15 minute section aircraft.
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